This here is a map of the Charles Darwin University campus. This map shows all the color presincts and what buildings lie within which color making it easier to map your way around. These maps are located all around campus and feature a dot of the location you are currently at.
We will be diving into the common classrooms used by students studying either IT or Engineering at Charles Darwin University.
Classroom 1This class is used for the majority of math work, although there is a HIT class that takes place within. This class is in the pink precinct at 7.1.05. The 7 in this stand for building 7, the 1 stands for level 1, and the 05 is the classroom number. From experience the best spot to sit is near the front, being sat at the back can make for difficulties hearing and paying attention to the lecturer. |
Classroom 2Classroom 2 is where a common unit for IT and Engineering students takes place CUC106.
Classroom 3The third classroom is where a HIT unit takes place, meaning it is more so relevant to IT students than Engineering students.
I hope I didnt just waste your time and you really got something out of all this, I hope to see you at the front of the class!